
MPDM: Multipolicy decision-making in dynamic, uncertain environments for autonomous driving

June 2024

tl;dr: A principled decision making framework to account for interaction with other agents.

Overall impression

MPDM starts with a regorous formulation and makes assumptions with domain knowledge in autonomous driving to simplify the problem to be tractable for online deployment.

MPDM forward simulates multiple scenarios initiated by different policy (high level intention or behavior pattern) of ego and how other vehicles would react. This brings two advantages of MPDM.

Despite simple design, MPDM is a pioneering work in decision making, and improved by subsequent works. MPDM has the assumption that the ego intention does not change within the planning horizon (10s, at 0.25s). This is improved by EUDM which allows change of ego policy within planning horizon once, and MARC which introduces risk aware contigency planning.

Key ideas

Technical details
