
EUDM: Efficient Uncertainty-aware Decision-making for Automated Driving Using Guided Branching

June 2024

tl;dr: A better MPDM with guided branching in both action and intention space.

Overall impression

In order to make POMDP more tractable it is essential to incorporate domain knowledge to efficiently make robust decisions (accelerate the problem-solving).

MPDM reduces POMDP to closed-loop evaluation (forward simulation) of a finite discrete set of semantic level policies, rather than performing evaluaton for every possible control input for every vehicle (curse of dimensionality).

In EUDM, ego behavior is allowed to change, allowing more flexible decision making than MPDM. This allows EUDM can make a lane-change decision even before passing the blocking vehicle (accelerate, then lane change).

EUDM does guided branching in both action (of ego) and intention (of others).

EUDM couples prediction and planning module.

It is further improved by MARC where it considers risk-aware contingency planning.

Key ideas

Technical details
