
LINGO-1: Exploring Natural Language for Autonomous Driving

June 2024

tl;dr: Open-loop AD commentator with LLM.

Overall impression

Lingo-1’s commentary was not integrated with the driving model, and remains an open loop system. Lingo-1 is enhanced by the relase of Lingo-1X, by extending VLM model to VLX by adding referential segmentation as X. This is enhanced further by successor Lingo-2 which is a VLA model and finally achieving close-loop.

This is the first step torward a fully explanable E2E system. The language model can be coupled with the driving model, offering a nice interface to the E2E blackbox.

A critical aspect of integrating the language and driving models is grounding between them. The two main factors affecting driving performance are the ability of the language model to accurately interpret scenes using various input modalities and the proficiency of the driving model in translating mid-level reasoning into effective low-level planning.

Key ideas

Technical details
